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Run-down 1960s Reading precinct could get revamp and hundreds of new homes

The long-awaited revamp of Tilehurst's run-down Meadway Precinct could now include hundreds of new homes.

People in the area have been waiting for years for work to begin on the project after it was given permission in January 2017.


But now, new plans have been submitted by developer Chillingham Limited which include housing for the first time and a smaller shopping area.

The developer still proposes a partial demolition of the precinct, as well as refurbishing and extending the existing units.

New shops are also part of the plans.

However, the big difference is the 266 new homes proposed, which would mean the demolition of the existing flats above the centre.

A new car park, bin stores, and the re-location of the public toilets is also proposed.


The new plans include a total of 392 parking spaces - a significant increase on the 214 agreed in the first plan.

This is 113 customer spaces, 13 staff spaces and 266 residential spaces.

The developers plans state: "The centre is primarily retail currently and is a typical “parade” scheme of its time, tired and in need of upgrading.

"The proposals include demolition of some of the site buildings (retail units at ground with existing residential over) to enable construction of a phased redevelopment which maintains a trading centre during the construction period.

"An enhanced and more varied retail offer is the design intent, set within a residential streetscape masterplan of public and private courtyards."

*Article taken from

Run-down 1960s Reading precinct could get revamp and hundreds of new homes

by Sansome & George

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